
Through its subsidiaries, Commercial Bank is able to offer a wider range of products and services to individuals and organizations alike.

Alternatif Bank

Alternatif Bank provides its customers in the corporate, commercial and retail banking segments with high value products, services and solutions. Alternatif Bank has a wide distribution of branches in Turkey and works closely with its counterparts in Commercial Bank to implement best international practice and continue to release synergies.

Commercial Bank Financial Services LLC

A fully owned subsidiary that provides direct access to the Qatar Exchange, online trading and brokerage services.

CBQ Finance Limited

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Bermuda and organized as a special purpose entity established to raise capital for Commercial Bank by issue of debt instruments.

CB Global Trading Limited

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Cayman Islands, an issuing vehicle for derivatives.

CB Innovation Services LLC

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Qatar under the Qatar Financial Centre Authority providing the Bank with operations management services.

CB Asset Management LLC

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Qatar under the Qatar Financial Centre Authority established to provide asset management services.

CB Real Estate Properties LLC

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Qatar under the Qatar Financial Centre Authority providing the Bank with advisory services in relation to property.

CB Leasing Company LLC

A fully owned subsidiary incorporated in Qatar under the Qatar Financial Centre Authority that leases and subleases properties in Qatar.