Savings Account
With our upfront account opening procedure, our Savings Account provides convenient access to your funds for your daily requirements while ensuring the security of your money. This everyday account has no monthly account fees and offers unlimited access through mobile, online, branch, and ATMs
Open Account OnlineEligibility, Fees and Documents Required
You will need to transfer in a minimum monthly salary of QAR 4,000, or make an initial, one-time deposit of QAR 10,000 which will be held for 60 days in 60 days notice account.
Residential Address Proof.
For Qatari nationals, QID and for Expats, Passport and QID.
How to Apply?
Open an account online
Click on the link below to complete the online account opening form.
Digital Account OpeningVisit the nearest branch
Visit the nearest branch with required documents and initial deposit to open an account. You may schedule a branch appointment by click on link below
Book online appointmentRequest Assistance from a CB Agent
Fill in the below form to request a call back from one of our representative to assist you with account opening.
Explore Our Saving Account
As you progress through life your financial goals will change. It is important for your saving and investment plans to keep up with your changing needs so that you realize your true growth potential.

Regular Saver Account
Rate: up to 1.00% p.a. Interest Paid monthly.Allows you to save on a regular basis with complete flexibility to meet your specific requirements.
Benefits:- Regular savings as little as QAR 500/month.
- Instant access to your money.
- Account can be held in Qatari Riyal only.
- No fixed term
- Receive attractive growth rate
- Withdraw money anytime
Available to new and existing CB customers, no salary transfer required.
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Elite Bonus Saver Account
Rate: Competitive rate of 1.25% p.a. (Paid monthly).Elite Bonus Saver offers a highly competitive interest rate and total flexibility.
Benefits:- Minimum deposit amount QAR 10,000
- Account can be held in Qatari Riyal only.
- No fixed term
Exclusive for new and existing Sadara and Private Banking clients
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eSavings Account
Rate: Guaranteed 1.00% p.a. (Paid monthly) for QAR and 0.50% p.a. (Paid monthly) for USD on your minimum balance.Our e-Savings Account promotes saving exclusively through online transactions. It's ideal for those who want to watch their savings grow while still having convenient access to their funds.
Benefits:- Minimum deposit amount QAR 10,000
- Ability to save in QAR or USD.
- Deposit and withdraw funds at your convenience
- 24/7 Online Access
Available to new and existing CB customers, no salary transfer required.
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Call Account
Rate: Guaranteed 0.75% p.a. (Paid monthly) for QAR and 0.50% p.a. (Paid monthly) for USD on your minimum balance.
- Minimum deposit amount QAR 20,000
- Ability to save in QAR or USD.
- Balance order facility
- No fixed term
- Overdraft protection
- Deposit and withdraw funds at your convenience
- 24/7 Online Access
Available to new and existing CB customers, no salary transfer required.
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