Wages Protection System (WPS)
The Wages Protection System (WPS) is a comprehensive electronic system initiated by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and QCB to monitor and document the process of worker wage payment at the establishments subject to the Labour Law No. (14) of 2004, with the view to ensuring that employers are committed to the wage payment process systematically and in a timely manner pursuant to the Rules and Conditions provided for in the Labour Law.
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General Objectives of the System:
Protecting labour groups from manipulation of their financial entitlements.Promoting security and stability in the State by establishing a safe work environment.
Strengthening the Human Rights principle in Qatar.
Saving workers and employers from keeping cash in their workplaces which may be exposed to loss or theft.
Enabling the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to continuously access and be informed of the workers' information and compare them to the data in its possession in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Labour Law.
Reducing legal disputes between parties as well as effort and time wasting.
Assisting the judiciary in issuance of rulings and settlement of disputes related to the workers' entitlements.
Wages protection system (WPS) - Registration Form
Click on the link below to download the registration form