Himyan Debit Card
Himyan Debit Card represents a significant milestone in the development of Qatar's digital payments infrastructure.

Features of Himyan Debit Card:
Linked to your bank account: Himyan Debit Card is directly linked to your Commercial Bank account, providing seamless access to your funds.
Free issuance: The Card is issued free of charge for the first time.
Himyan Debit Card is available for all Commercial Bank account holders with similar transaction limits available for the customer such as existing Debit Card products.
Comprehensive local transaction support: Himyan Debit Card supports all types of local transactions, including payments at point of sale (POS) devices, withdrawals and deposits via ATMs and online payments through the e-commerce payment gateway (QPAY).
How to Apply:
You can apply to get Himyan Debit Card through your CBQ Mobile App or Internet Banking or fill the form below and one of our representative will get back to you.
Contactless Payments